Sponsor Hospital Council of Greater Bridgeport

1.01 Adult Sepsis/Septic Shock Alert

January 2016

Sepsis is defined as a systemic inflammatory response to the body in response to infection. The infecting pathogen triggers an overwhelming immune response causing widespread inflammation, micro-vascular blood clots and fluid shifts impairing blood flow and oxygenation to critical organs such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, and/or liver. When sepsis is not suspected or treated promptly, hypotension, organ damage and/or MODS may result.

I. Must be over 18 Years Old

II. Notify the receiving emergency department of a SEPSIS ALERT if the patient presents with AT LEAST TWO (2) of the following physiological criteria:

  • Temperature less than 96.8 degrees (F) or greater than 100.4 degrees (F) or feels clinically febrile
  • Heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute
  • Respirations greater than 20 breaths per minute OR the patient is mechanically ventilated
  • New onset altered mental status or a change in mental status from the patient’s baseline
  • Hypoperfusion evidenced by SBP <90 and / MAP<65

AND has a history of confirmed infection or history highly suggestive of infection including but not limited to:

  • Recent antibiotic therapy
  • Recent medical/surgical infection and/or recent hospitalization
  • Indwelling Foley catheter
  • Tubes into body cavities (PICC, central lines, PEG tubes, etc.)
  • Immuno-compromised patients ( AIDS, cancer, etc.)
  • Chemotherapy with the last 6 weeks
  • Resident of a skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility
  • Evidence of cellulitis, dysuria, cough with or without sputum production, bed sore or other non-healing wounds, diarrhea, or abdominal pain

III. Pre-hospital management of the SEPSIS/SEPTIC SHOCK patient will follow treatment protocol 2.19

Revised: 12/2016-07/18/2017 by T.Sheehan

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